Saturday 28 January 2012

Owlthorpe Community Forum

Some time ago, I noticed an article in the Sheffield Telegraph which I thought might be useful for blog purposes.

At the time it didn`t get used as for a period I put other interests aside to concentrate on work and family matters.

Nevertheless, the article is still interesting.

Although the article was principally about a descision by the Yorkshire in Bloom people to give a discretionary `Community Champion` award to Owlthorpe man Roger Marsh, it is clear that he does not wish to be given sole credit for the work of the Forum in cleaning up the area and launching numerus environmental projects (he comments that the award is "in my name, but it`s for the Forum. I have not done all the work on my own !") , and stresses the need for collaboration, with Clive Betts MP, with public sector bodies such as the Police and City Council, particularly Environmental Planning Officer Sally Pereira, and with Sheffield Landscape Trust.

Nevertheless, it is clear Mr Marsh`s background as a project manager in steelworks and at power plants has given him useful experience.

He stresses that most Forum members are retired ("Peoople who work just don`t have the time during the week."), which makes me feel better as I don`t do a fraction of the work for the community that he does, despite being over 20 years younger !

Anyway, the article, headed Community Champion Who Took the Bull by the Horns, is by journalist Peter Kay and appeared in the Sheffield Telegraph Thursday 29 Sept 2011.  The title refers to the innovative use of Highland cattle to graze derelict farmland. The cattle are moved from field to field, which encourages the growth of wildflowers on fields they have vacated.

The Sheffield Telegraph can be found at . The Owlthorpe Community Forum appear to have no website, but Sheffield Landscape Trust, which is a venture jointly run by North Sheffield Conservation Group, Sheffield Countryside Conservation Trust and Sheffield City Council, can be found at .

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